
Job 2 – No Dualism

The story of Job was initially a pre-Biblical-Mesopotamian story. The account of Job, or “Ayub”/ “Iyob”/ stood the test of time before landing into the canon of the Old Testament. The same message we find in the book of Job is found all throughout Mesopotamia. As for my opinion, I

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Job 1 – Christian cultural paganism

The Narration/ The Author The narration of Job was either (a) a Mesopotamian unparalleled human endeavor which ordered key characters to express a consistent/non-contradicting Theology (probably devised by Sumerian or Babylonian Scribes using a historical reference ) (b) a historical character with both divine and mortal participants (c ) ‘divinely

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“Demons”–dao/midz- literally mean, “dispensing riches/fortunes”. Later, in Greek society, a ‘sympatico’ spirit, demon, common spirit, etc,” inhabiting you or travelling with you would be called a ‘sympathetic spirit’, or simply “Demon”. This, “Demon”, had a different cultural reference and the language shows. “Dae – god/ Mne-the mind”—the god or “governor”

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The meaning of Evil (Part 1)

The key meaning of evil is that ‘something that doesn’t *fit* into an expected boundary line and/ or a specific arena’.  That is, evil can be defined as a violation within a specific field where rules apply and violations warrant penalties. Penalty boxes, prisons, slums, vagrancies, outcasts, wanderings, ….whatever is

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I didn’t realize what entitled meant until i took a look into my prior actions as a kid. Let me try to explain: I vandalized. I stole. I hated indirectly. I hated ‘at’ something that I couldn’t quantify. / I lived in a wealthy white neighborhood being white.I stuttered. I

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The Golden Mean

My sympathies are eternally extending in grace to everyone. Our federal institutions must act on their accord –and I would say swiftly. Nonetheless, I extend my eternal graces ( God granted to me and all ) to all because I see my eternal failures in this flesh. In my youth

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Perplexity without Political Answer.

Our situation: perplexity without political answer. Yet—- here’s an Answer to this perplexity: *Grace unto our own hurt*. Who has set this example in your life? WHOEVER sets this example is more than a Hero. WHO set this example for all to follow— unto death? Go figure. //// on a

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No group, government-any extremist faction can ever legislate ethics or a moral change to come “to the other side”. This is a Western Hemisphere thing. We think in the West that if we are forced by riots to concede, renege or secede then we must have been wrong and they

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*I owe you/ you owe me*DEBT AND REPAYMENT* Tit for Tat —- this system of thinking and acting is based in legalism. Legalism is what you find in any religious or secular system that demands ‘justice’ for an infraction that was done to you. The problem of *debt and repayment*

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The Reason of Grace

My view must be a ‘relaxed’ one—which means, theological points, currents, patterns, etc. must ‘settle’ naturally/metaphysically.  I have always had a serious problem with the ‘ontology’ of who we *are, were, will be*.   I have always had strong ties to pagan religions– for I knew that Judaism and Christianity

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