

REASON BASED IN EXEGESIS TO FREEDOM FROM IGNORANCE “Paideia” (cf. Dr. Werner Jaeger’s treatment on “Christian Paideia” and “Classical Greek Paideia”) was the classical education for the first century Christian Children which means, “to walk; walk; the walk”—-i.e., “the little *footers*”. One could use the Star Wars term, “Padua (same

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The Contradictive Christ of the American Bible

Hell and all of its humanistic -ologies. When we look at the “Biblical English’s” face value, such as the KJV/ NIV/ ASB/ ESV, etc.., we are guaranteed to ‘see’ contradictions. The reason for these contradictions is this: the English and American languages carry a 2+ thousand year gap from the

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The Perversion of Hell Verses / Hellology Begins Here

Revelation 21:8 “But {di} as for the cowardly {tois deilois} and {kai} the faithless {apistois} and the detestable {ebdelugme’nois}….and…as for murderers {phoneusin} and the sexually immoral {pornois} and sorcerers {pharmakois} and idolaters {eidololatrais} and all {kai pasin} the liars {tois pseudesin} THEIR PORTION {to’ meros}  in the lake {limnos} that

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The actors who ‘play out’ their relations between either YHWH and BAAL or the hedge of both. The Sumerian, Indo European and Semitic world brought us meaningful natural occurring concepts that distinguish ‘categories’ and ‘territories’’ from another. From these natural occurrences, more abstract Theological, Philosophical and Mythological concepts were employed

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Consistency of Motion – Part 2 Amended

Restating part one, addendums, extra mentions and exonerationsTechnically, the term,‘belief’, never meant to act in “blindness” until our recent perversion of this term—that is, the ‘moralization’ of this term.  Initially, the term, “belief”, would have carried an observed intentional and honest act.  Plato’s daemon, Socrates says: “Doxa (glory) is derived either from

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Consistency of Motion – Part 1 Amended

As a preface: I never make a moral judgement in my writings. All terms used such as ‘pagan’, ‘heathen’ ‘non-christian’ are all in their respective usages. Pagan means ‘the other *page* or ‘those who camp on the outskirts of the *peg* or *pegged-off* area. “Heathen” means, ‘those who live on

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Spiritual Covid “Omega Variant”

TRUTH and FALSEHOOD Socrates says, “Truth” is the word, ‘aletheia’, by which we get the definition ‘to wander with the goddess’ without interruption (without halting, stepping around, stepping over, impeded ) of the goddess’ motion upon you’. Therefore, *divine wandering* = godly motion without impedance/ resistance. In contrast, ‘falsehood’ implies

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Leviathan Levi Snake Temple/ Snake Cult … ‘e-lea = Lilli (-th) = “Snake Goddess” Caduceus/ Nechustan Temple was the Early Israelite Temple Hezekia tore it down Levi—-LW- “to twist”; “to coil” French: “Lieu” : “In lieu of” —“To stand in the the seat of a greater power while that power

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Stairway To Heaven – Code of Creation in the Ziggurats

Metallurgy, Job, YAHWEH, Mt. Seir – Ore rich, Edomites, Idumaea, Cauldron Cult, Ziggurat Theology, and the contemporaneous Biblical and extra-Biblical character, Job Starting with the oldest book in the Bible, the Patriarch Job was identified as Jobab in Genesis 36:33-35 where we find that Job was the second listed king

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Here’s my attempted “Intentful”  mindset:   To me: Be careful not to live by or be identified by a *narrative* of the past-whether or not your narrative is true, partially true or a lie. Your life’s narrative is a past thing  up to this second which is now past. We

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