Socrates says, “Truth” is the word, ‘aletheia’, by which we get the definition ‘to wander with the goddess’ without interruption (without halting, stepping around, stepping over, impeded ) of the goddess’ motion upon you’. Therefore, *divine wandering* = godly motion without impedance/ resistance. In contrast, ‘falsehood’ implies ‘holding back by force’ and contrasts itself with Truth. Falsehood is reckoned with ‘slumber’, ‘conceal’, ‘hide’ “. Plato; Cratylus 420: E
I take Plato’s words and hold them to the seat of the minister. Not the minister, the seat. If the minister’s words do not hold to the title/ position of the seat, please step down. Every word must be tested in the mouths of the ministers to the Scripture from which they are upheld, adored, supported, etc. Pivotal verses, passages, exegeses, etc. are foundational for the Christian Faith. Right? Or is your Bible nothing more than just a ‘good reference’ for ‘good sayings’? I could totally understand this approach and on ONE level, go with that….on the next level: apologetics, hermeneutics, eschatology and exegesis, etc….absolutely not. It is NOT *just* a Book.
Droves come each week to not be fooled or lied to, right? Would droves come to the church to ‘feel good’ about a “I did my obligation” and “I checked in” and “I served my contract Christianity for the week” if they were conscious about their ***belief***?! Please say you don’t.
Would you choose to get in your hot car, fight the kids, fight the everything for an hour and a half to get to a place for an hour and a 20 minutes that is not accurate in what they say? —-worse yet, have an agenda that takes precedent over the ‘acclaimed precedent source, the Bible.
Hold your flappy leather bound Bible in the King James, which obviously Jesus and Paul spoke in…, nay, the Esv, Niv, Asb, “I do not care version”., etc. and you’re still wrong when you do not hold to the contingency that your text is inerrant.
If I read Mark Twain’s, “Huckleberry Finn”, I would hold that it is ‘inerrant’ to Mark Twain and the ‘narrative’ by which it holds. If I teach a class on Huckleberry Finn, I will not OMIT a sentence like it’s NOT THERE. Let alone a chapter. Continuity, contiguity, inerrancy to its OWN NARRATION. Further yet, quit my class on Mark Twain’s, Huck Finn if I tell you that Samuel Clemons was really trying out his double entendres concerning horse sales at Dicky’s. If I create the aporia by intended omission I should be fired as a teacher of Mark Twain’s, Huck Finn.
When one claims that the Bible is wholly inspired please act upon it. Even if it were a lie (which I don’t), at LEAST ACT ON IT if you hold the ‘seat’ of the minister which claims its inerrancy!
If a minister claims that there is a particular book that is the “Greatest book in all of the Bible”—-I’m now interested. If a minister claims that “THAT particular book and chapter are the ‘greatest’ “ in the Bible…well, you MUST have something to show me, right? Well, if there is an omission of a verse that is FOUNDATIONAL to that particular chapter and book ( since, all must be truthful) and you, the minister, have CLEARLY omitted it for the sake of a particular narrative germaine to that ‘divided’ sect of religious “beliefs”, —then I am forever nauseated with this.
So, there’s an argument against me here: “Kyle, they’re probably going to come back to that particular *key passage verse* to suture it all up”. The problem with that is, the omission of that *key passage verse* was necessary to promulgate dualism and its corrupted form of ‘free’ and ‘will’. As only Baptists can say, “yes, you are saved by *The Grace (unmerited favor/ unearned favor) of God* before the Foundation of the World and there’s nothing that can snatch you out of God’s hands (now, in the same breath they say (“they” = Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers, every Southern Baptist out there) ..*BUT*, you can ‘reject’ Him and go to Hell”! Lol, sigh!….I say: “isn’t your ‘rejection’ also a part of the corruption of this world that is the ‘something’ that is the ‘nothing’ in the * nothing can snatch you out of God’s hands? NO THING can snatch you….not a loop hole BASED ON THE CORRUPTED IDEA THAT FREE WILL IS RENEGADE WILL. “Free Will” has a better translation that I will give you: “You are freely bound to act within the limitations that make the bullseye. If you are bound to missing the bullseye you are ‘free from the bullseye and limited to the miss….a VERY BROAD and OPEN *FREEDOM* ”.
“Free Will”, in the sense that you regenerate and fall constantly, which you know you do in at least your thoughts, is a ‘nonce’ thing. There is no substance nor actuality in that. If you regenerate from a body that naturally inclined the death (spiritual) then, what ‘goodness’ was in you?…God, or You? Romans 3: 1-ff….”There is no one who is righteous, ALL go their own way, there is NONE who do good”. I ask again, “Where does the Goodness come from?” Maybe more importantly, “WHO sustains the GOODNESS that up until NOW we are kept from ourselves?”
My book covers that “belief” (“ousis” {Greek}) is actually based on those things that you can perceive as reasonable, good, salvific, contiguous with the motion of God upon you…that thing that you look out to …expect…
If you believe in dualism —-I have no problem with you. I will give you love, grace, charity like God and kind people give me, freely. I am a positivist in this regard. Be a dualist and may God bless us all anyway. My issue is the foundation by which the contiguity of the Biblical text of Romans chapters 8 and 9 are held together by each chapter’s verbiage.
Back to my emotion on this: I get it, I let it go, I do not judge, but I never forget.
Dualism is the narration that we have defaulted to in Christendom. Its origins began in Persia with one of the longest practiced religions in the world, Zoroastrianism. It definitely influenced Sedond Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Greek Philosophy, Islam and factions of Christianity (more than ever at present). Dualism is a replacement theology for the belief of Sovereignty that says, “God is Sovereign and He chooses and wills all things——not you.
Dualism says, “God versus Satan”—- JUST like Superman versus any arch villain. *Who will win?!* Gosh! I don’t know!?! Maybe God just couldn’t save some of those poor slobs from themselves while He saved others that were BIGGER WORSE SLOBS than the ‘’’’unsaved””—— a term of TOTAL HUMANISTIC JUDGEMENT.
At what point do we stop judging? Ephesians 2 makes it clear that we were at one time ALL a bunch of wretches—-unworthy, unregenerate. Then, Who *regenerates*? Does a dead person make a living decision?!
Dualism creates fear that ‘you better do a good work and not *let the devil get you* or you’re going to hell. Sovereignty and Grace say that you are ultimately missing the mark by your ego centric nature and inclination and that God is growing in you to become, to evolve to that more perfect being just as He is. Isn’t this ‘evolution’? Going to that more perfect place? Going against ‘a nature’ that the athlete fights daily to overcome? What a relationship in that God would predestinate {pre – horizon}, not just ‘foreknow’ {pro-ginosko}, me before the foundation of time and space to be His (Romans 8:29). Either God is Sovereign without constraint Who has PERFECT WILL and IMPLEMENTATION or not. And, NEVER buy into the Baptist argument that “God only *foreknew* …not “determined”—-again, read, Romans 8:29 “For whom God did foreknow He also did predestinate to become in the image of His Son”.
There are 66 terms for “WILL” and 15 for “Free” that I have in my book. Which ‘cocktail’ combination of “Free Will” will this argument go to? ….sigh…. I want to speak my heart.. I don’t mean to offend…I mean to ‘save’…that is, save us all from CONFUSION…especially, myself. Forgive me if I have offended you but I can’t relent.
It was Romans 8:29 that was *omitted* last Sunday. A full reading of Romans all the way up to that ONE VERSE…Why couldn’t that have been read?…
I got this out. Many talk about your day, your dog, cats, wars, Covid, abuse, the horrors, the pleasures of life, music, etc…. I took this time to say this because I am a real human being that feels this way right now. Your cat will not offend me, neither will your new house boat, will this offend you?
If I’m in error, forgive me… I’m a work in progress. Please forgive the grammar and spelling…all the errors. I typed with emotion and left my grammar skills on the shelf.
Here ( just now) is the response of an Elder in the Church to me after I addressed this issue: “to Kyle: