“The earliest ideas of Eternity were associated in pictographic form originally. This allowed for ‘pictures’ to be ‘as words’ in the European world, let alone the recipients of the Semitic world. How much of these pictographic societies such as the Early Chinese, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hittite and Dravidian convey the idea of the ‘eternal’? Did these earlier cultures lose their weight in conveying a non-analytical idea of eternal ‘spatiality’ and ‘time’? How distant were these concepts to the Medieval World? Did King James’ translators have a grasp of any of this? Was *eternity* looked at as ‘segmented times’ in the Middle Ages amidst the Jacobian era? I can say a big Nope for all of these. Let’s take a light jab at this word *eternity* from what our ancestors thought. This is only a light dig into a much deeper study that fomcm.com will endeavor. Thank you for listening!”

The Teleology of Universalistic Predeterminism Part 2
“This audio lecture covers what Aeon is and what it is not. As we stated in the past written and audio lectures, Aeon means ‘ages’ of finite but undefined time. Aeon is the root word for ‘ages’ used in conjunction with ‘punishment (kolosin)’ by which there is a ‘duration of

The Teleology of Universalistic Predeterminism Part 1
“Apocalyptic Literature is not all about the future- but, rather, it is a type of poetry to express God’s Universal Plan in a collective of time-Aeon 0:00 0:00 skip_previous play_arrow pause skip_next volume_up volume_down volume_off share description view_headline Nothing found! close Auto scroll close

“Preface to Infinity is not eternity”
“The earliest ideas of Eternity were associated in pictographic form originally. This allowed for ‘pictures’ to be ‘as words’ in the European world, let alone the recipients of the Semitic world. How much of these pictographic societies such as the Early Chinese, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hittite and Dravidian convey the idea of

IM.IM.DU.GUD (Anzu Bird) *Intimations of the Story of Cain and his Restoration to YHVH.
“In this short piece I cover the Sumerian etymologies of the Anzu Bird and its associations with the early world of Cain. 0:00 0:00 skip_previous play_arrow pause skip_next volume_up volume_down volume_off share description view_headline Nothing found! close Auto scroll close

Prelude to Presentation of “Cain, Yahveh’s Restored One and First Apostle”
“As we continue our studies into the wandering Cain, we find Cain’s track moniker is found in his metalurgic works. It shouldn’t surprise us to find that YHVH would have restored Cain by the officiating of Cain’s clan to guard the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil” 0:00

Nimrod’s Name found in “Gilgamesh”, Nimrod’s Descendant
“As Biblical Patriarchs are listed in Genesis 4:1 -ff, 1 Chronicles 1-ff, Matthew 1: 1-ff, etc. so are Kings found in the Sumerian Kings List (SKL). The SKL, much like the Bible, has gaps where the geneological line is left ‘open’ or without names mentioned. The Names that are mentioned

God’s Two Creations
A power packed exegetical 11 min. 59 sec. of the “Hebrew Scriptures’. Today we focus on the ‘two creations’ mentioned in Isaiah 46:10, 11 which compliment the modern String Theorem, Plato’s form-receptacle-Universal-particular and Tolkien’s Illuvatar who’s creation was in the mind first, then, *EA*-‘let it be’, ‘let it unfurl in

Universalism Part 2
The intricacies of God’s words are lost in the blunt English versions of the Bible. The English versions not only keep us in darkness from God’s words but keep us in cycles or ‘return to’ mental/ spiritual problems. I believe that a healthy study in the Greek New Testament frees

Universalism Part 1
The intricacies of God’s words are lost in the blunt English versions of the Bible. The English versions not only keep us in darkness from God’s words but keep us in cycles or ‘return to’ mental/ spiritual problems. I believe that a healthy study in the Greek New Testament frees

YHVH – The Pre Biblical God of the Canaanites. The True Monotheistic God on Mount Seir – where the Nephilim were slayed. 0:00 0:00 skip_previous play_arrow pause skip_next volume_up volume_down volume_off share description view_headline Nothing found! close Auto scroll close

Yahweh and His cult of Metallurgy Part 2
Secular Angels were metallurgists; a look at the ancient Cauldron 0:00 0:00 skip_previous play_arrow pause skip_next volume_up volume_down volume_off share description view_headline Nothing found! close Auto scroll close

Yahweh and His cult of Metallurgy Part 1
Part one: Yahweh and His cult of Metallurgy. The evidence of YHVH before the Bible 0:00 0:00 skip_previous play_arrow pause skip_next volume_up volume_down volume_off share description view_headline Nothing found! close Auto scroll close