Stairway To Heaven – Code of Creation in the Ziggurats

Metallurgy, Job, YAHWEH, Mt. Seir – Ore rich, Edomites, Idumaea, Cauldron Cult, Ziggurat Theology, and the contemporaneous Biblical and extra-Biblical character, Job

Starting with the oldest book in the Bible, the Patriarch Job was identified as Jobab in Genesis 36:33-35 where we find that Job was the second listed king of Edom.

In the beginning of Job we see that Job lived in Uz (Utz-part of Edom; cf. Lamentations 4:21; Uz was a son of Dishan, an original chieftain of Seir {cf. Mt. Seir where Yahweh ‘went forth’: Judges 5:4–”LORD, WHEN THOU WENTEST OUT OF SEIR, WHEN THOU MARCHEST OUT OF THE FIELD OF EDOM, THE EARTH TREMBLED, AND THE HEAVENS DROPPED, THE CLOUDS ALSO DROPPED WATER” 1}; Seir was the land that Esau conquered and merged with (cf. Genesis 36:28-30), on the confines of Idumaea which is Edom and Arabia.

Job took an Arabian wife and bore Ennon.

Job’s Father was Zerah, who was descended from Esau, and his mother was Bosporus, so that Job was the fifth in lineage from Abraham. Genesis 36:31-35 tells us about these kings that reigned in Edom, —-where Job governed.

The original Eliphaz was an Edomite and the son of Esau. His son was named Teman (Genesis 36). This particular Teman became a General or Chieftain, of many, of Edom. This district bears his name. “Eliphaz the Temanite” was from this area, and probably was a descendant of the original Eliphaz and Teman—Endonymic-Patrilineal heritage. For this, evidence builds that Job lived after Esau and after the Edomites moved into the land of Uz. It is for this geographical reason that I believe that the Kennites (Cain-ties), as metallurgists and their secret alchemy would have affected Eliphaz’s cosmological view.

We see Bildad, the Shuhite as a descendant of Abraham through Keturah (Gn. 25:2) must have been an Edomite. Zophar, Job’s deuteragonist, would also have been an Edomite. Finally, Elihu is called a Buztie, and Buz was the son of Nahor, Brother of Uz. The town of Buz is linked with Dedan and Tema (cf. Jeremiah 25:23).

These Edomites, for sure, lived contemporaneously with the Sumerians and Babylonians. The Edomites’ cosmology would have been greatly affected by the Sumerians and the Babylonians.

The early Edomites, such as Job, must have had a cosmological reference point to the objective/literal creations the ziggurat of Marduk, as well as the Egyptians (for whom their

1 “Daleth” = “door” which leads to the next “heaven”. The entranceway into the AYIN or “EYE” of Yahweh. Mist, Water, Flow, Flood, Moisture, etc. are identified with these valent (used in combination) terms.

Structures came from Marduk of Sumeria). For sure, the Edomites were metallurgists who carried their craft thanks to their predecessors, the Kennites, or “Cain-ites”.

The *ziqqurrat apsî elite* or, “the upper ziqqurrat of the Apsû”, was E-temenanki, the Temple of Nimrod, Marduk, Enmerker, Narmer, Enmer, Menes (who was the First Pharoah), …all the same man/god but referred to by different endonyms.

Looking at the first E’.TEMEN.AN.KI = (Sumerian)

These are a few references to the Raquiya/ Plates/ Firmament.
1) McClintock and Strong’s “cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, Ecclesiastical Literature (“Cosmology” pg. 528/ volume 2 {c-d}
2)Marija Gimbutas’ “The Language of the Goddess” page 92-94 {{{{ matriarchal Old Religion- plates show a sense to “Parthenogenesis” with life in the water/ surrounded by the Serpent Force – cf. book and it’s “Meander and Chevron”.. cf. my Lecture at “Fulness of Meaning Christian Ministries. Com” under video lectures category: “Meander and Chevron”
3)”The Mysteries (edited by Joseph Campbell) Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks” / Bollingen Series XXX . 2/ Princeton – cf. serpent bowl below.
4) A.R. George’s, “House Most High” —- Mesopotamian Civilizations
This book shows hundreds of ziggurats —‘ascensions/ erections’ to Heaven-where “divine intercourse with ‘Inanna-ean’, or “in the likeness of Inanna, could be held by ‘the god(s) of the region. The “TS-TS” is a common name for “throne” or “seat” throughout Hebrew and , I believe, etymological ties into Sumerian and Kartvelian— as a “seat of encampment”.

Cosmologically, “raquiya” was the divider of ‘atmospheres’ {for hierarchies of beings/ life/etc. —c.f. “Jacob’s Ladder” as a Sumerian/ Egyptian reference – contemporary with the Job 38:4,6, and 19 references God concerning Wooley’s “Sumeria”— pages 160-161 – going though portholes/ doors with hidden joists, hinges, and *sockets ( Sumerian: na4.-dab5–ig.na4)* which are the focus of ELOAH’s question to Job concerning, “have you seen the hidden sockets that I have placed for the foundations set for the world?” not seen by mortal man. These door sockets would have had pious inscriptions not made for anyone except deities and future builders.

But, Raquiya has been used a large stone, floor—wood spread for a floor, a deck, etc. to substantiate *each level of flooring* to a ziggurat (ziqqirat). Each ‘plate’, ‘raquiyah’ would, therefore, hold the next ‘firmament’ of the Heavenlies—that is, the flooring of each level of the ziggurat—if one holds that ascending the ziggurats were a Theology/ a Holy experience for only a select few.

In the book of Job, chapter 38: 4-ff…Elohah/ Yahweh asks Job a litany of questions as to show Job’s ignorance. The questions had to do with “house/ temple {E’} terms. Foundation/ measurements/ fastened/ cornerstone/ e.ben stone/  doors/ ho.w.tam seal/ ho.mer — clay/ ….THEN, God asks about the “Treasury in vs 22”… we know that in the Babylonian Talmud there is understood to be 7 heavens (Rakiim) which the deceased must pass through to reach the THRONE OF GLORY (7th Heaven/ Ecstasy). *Each Heaven has a *DOOR (the letter “Dalet” =meaning ‘door’ in the Hebrew pictographic form) which is reached by a stairway. Each level of the 7 Heavens have physical associations such as snow, hail, dew, storm, wind, etc. These ‘passes’ can be associated with the ‘passes’ over the mountain ranges into Eden/ paradise symbolically, Theological —as represented by Enmerker’s journey into Paradise over the Mountain ranges of the Zagros into Eden (specifically, Gan.da.Adin —the Garden of Eden). The peaks mentioned in the Talmud were Michael, Gabriel, Jordanian, Ben Nez, Barakiel, Raashiel…. Representing in respective order: snow, fire, hail, storm, lightning, earthquake.

So, for me, the Babylonians, then the Persian and Median influences on the Jews in captivity were all too great to not influence the Jews with Old World understanding.

In the Temple of Marduk (Nimrod/ Menes/ Enmerker) there would have been a sexual peak at the top. Guarded by the Sheitans (Persian name for “watchers for the Sheikh) or Angels (Korabai – Guardians that were originally for Khorabhadh/ hence the word, “Cherub”). This “god of the universe” -aka, Nimrod/ Enmerker, would have lived in His “foundation of Heaven and Earth”—E’-taminanki very luxuriously as did His successors.

The “Ki-Si” (in Hebrew) was a ‘seat/Throne’ in the midst of the highest raquiya (“that was *as Stone* – Ezekiel 1:26-ff) in on the highest ‘firmament’ of the tower or ziggurat for the imagery of the Jewish and Christian *Throne of God*.

The “Banquet of the Gods”, “The Communion with Christ”, “The fulfillments of Jesus’ Last Supper”, *Adappa – The Babylonian “Adam”, the ONLY one who could set and clear the god’s table*2

So, I’m failingly trying to ‘tie in’ Raquiyah (Plate) and Throne (Ki-Si) Temple imagery between the Sumerians, Egyptians, Pre-exile Jews, Post exile – Apocalyptic Christians. Literal, Cosmological, Theological, Historical.

The key might lie in the terms for construction. That is, the metaphors that were carried over from the physical instantiation.

As I would forget my head if I weren’t attached: the Imagery of Ezekiel 1:1- ff shows the inner construction of “God’s Abode”. He refers to the “Discs” as “wheels”—- ophanim which are where the angels abode. Again, prophetical/ poetical but referential. I thank you so much for referencing the ziggurat in Kartvelian!— I will check out that academic paper!!!

2 Penguin Classics “Poems of Heaven and Hell From Ancient Mesopotamia”, page 169 – ‘Adapa: The Man’



The ‘firmament’ was considered the cow’s belly that held the self generating/ begetting God – Horus. Horus was the golden solar falcon god.
The sack or belly was the skin sack, a physical suit by which the god was referred to. That is, the skin sack held the eternal essence. Hence, the Egyptian “Hathor (hat-hor: “house of Horus”)” was the “House of Horus”. The Egyptian cow also represented the land.

We know that the self begetting Son in the Mother’s ‘belly’ was also the consort for the Cow Goddess. He, Horus, entered his mother east to west in flight as a falcon. The implication of sexual intercourse is without question, for there is no Father save that of the Son entering into the cow goddess. He was the son and father.

We see this same relationship with Venus and Cupid, Madonna and Adonis, Shing Moo and Child, Semiramis and Nimrod, etc. 

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