Consistency of Motion – Part 1 Amended

As a preface:

I never make a moral judgement in my writings. All terms used such as ‘pagan’, ‘heathen’ ‘non-christian’ are all in their respective usages. Pagan means ‘the other *page* or ‘those who camp on the outskirts of the *peg* or *pegged-off* area. “Heathen” means, ‘those who live on the uncultivated plains; ‘the heath’. Villains were villagers that shared the land of the King or Dominion. Non-christian simply means that. Agnostic simply means ‘not to claim to know’. Truth means “root, stem and branches”. I take ALL terms to their technical ranks, careful not to *moralize* them. All such words are researched by me through countless hours in Proto Indo European linguistics, Sumerian, Kartvelian, Syunik, etc. etc. In this approach we can come to clean truths as we will learn to believe, to trust, and to have faith in the natural flow of etymology and its WILL to express1 itself. The Logos will be born out of every natural condition given its time (xairos = “at the hand”/ “at the pointed to time”).

Many profess we’re in a “postmodern” or “post-truth” era. Simply put, this would mean that we are a culture without regard to ‘belief’ in truths , only ‘results’. The false assumption is this is a ‘christianized’ thing, therefore, a dulling of the senses for the ‘functional modern human’. Yet, the contradiction of judgments from the non-Christian arises when a belief in results is garnered.

This is exactly what the non Christian judges the Christian for being erroneous of. That is, both Christian and Non Christian employ a kind of faith. Simply put: ‘faith’ is something to ‘expect’ or ‘look out’ for. Faith is ‘substantial’, that is, Faith has *sub-standing* or an ‘under-root’ by which one can stand for, on, by, with. Hence, the Biblical formula: “Faith is the substance ‘upostasis [HUPO- under/ STASIS -standing] of things hoped for” (Hebrews 11:1).

1 Express: Latin: ex – ‘out’ + p.i.e. – ‘per-‘ = “to strike” {to push out}
2 Truth: P.I.E., “Daro” = (zero grade) “DR- = ‘truth’ = ‘tree’ = ‘root, stem and branches’. Cf. Tom Shippey’s, “roots, stems and branches”.

Sounds a little complicated? The second I said, “belief”3 Did I err? I did not, technically. Technically, ‘belief’ has never meant a practice in ignorance or a “blind” act. It’s something with ‘eyes wide open’ —-that is, something of expectation and its act of sober participation. “Belief”, true belief, employs a kind of ‘reason’. A reason by which ‘a particular logic’ is implemented and a Segway of events anticipated. I might say, the anatomy of the Logos acts out the Boule or Will of the Father. In these agreements of motion, so does nature follow in the same motion. There is nothing that disagrees with nature, the child of Boule.

Looking to the root meaning of “belief” we must turn to our mother languages to find the most ‘natural’ sense behind the abstracted word, “belief”. “Bheidh” is the Proto Indo European root for “belief”. “Bheidh” means a place from which something is awaited, a ‘place where consciousness operates – mentally, spiritually, physically.

“Faith” has been perverted by false moralists. “Faith” became a ‘blind thing’. “Faith” became an operative word implemented by ‘easy-believism’/ ‘theologians’ who would benefit from the sheep who continue to engage in ‘contract Christianity’. That is, ministers who would abuse their sheep by keeping them thinking that ritual without thought is salvific.

Never before have we seen this word, “Faith”, so abused, hence, the Church abused. Yet, greed, power, herding of the masses, etc. by ministers have allowed its mistranslation with all the Greek and Hebrew texts at their fingertips.

3 Proto – Indo – European root: “Bheidh” a resting place; awaiting place; abode; expect. One of the oldest senses to “bheidh” is found in the Albanian *bese* by which a family of a murdered member holds back their blood feud with the family of the murderer. The Albanian Bese or its P.I.E. zero grade equivalent, “bheidh” (bheidh-tya) is a *social contract* word for ‘a stay’ of action, ‘a halt’, ‘an observation of a law which halts retributive action’. Cf. Calvert Watkins, “The American Heritage dictionary of Indo European Roots” (pgs. 8-9). Joseph Shipley, “The Origins of English Words“ – Bheidh = “abide; abode” (pgs. 31-32).

Such a bankless meaning holds bankless doctrines. Such an abuse of power necessitates ‘shadow words’, ‘shadow logic’, ‘shadow theologies’.

Proving “Bheidh” (Faith) as substantial

The ‘flow’ of poetry, archery, meaning, music, etc. is called “rous” in Classical Greek.
We see ‘rous’ mentioned in Plato’s Cratylus as in the archer’s alignment with pure mathematics (or ‘boule’ – “the god’s council/ *volition*/ *volley*/ballistics) as we have and will state in this book. That is, the human’s ‘climb’ to the point of perfect reference or the god’s council, a.k.a., ‘The Will (boule)’.

It is the authority of the Boule of God that we *act*. The Boule is the council by which nature acts and we observe its non contradictory nature. This pagan Greek idea conjoins without turbulence to a confluence to Old and New Testament Theology. Though, the Greek language and myths are caught and echoed through Paul’s knowledge of Greek and European culture. The invisible stuff by which perfection is exuded or ‘shot’ from is God’s nature (cf. C.S. Lewis’ “A Study of Words” {chapter on: natura/ Phusis, kind}). It is this ‘stuff’, this “boule”, this “determinate council”, this “Will” that is imbued upon us to act in His likeness more and more as the imperfect verb of this action rushes to it’s ‘teleos’ or telegraphed designation. How could we perpetually resist that kind of Will? —-even Nature agrees with It, though not willingly in its futility, rather, it (nature) waits on God to free it from its directed course to destruction. It knows freedom is coming, it knows it can only choose destruction. Therefore, God created, chose and ordained this drama of trajectories for the tragic in order for Hope to come through. Romans 8:19.

In Plato’s “Cratylus”, the ‘Boule’ was what was NOT interrupted, whether in the action of an athlete or the verbal usage found in a Logical Dialogue. Likewise, the “LOGOS”, was Jesus’ other referential NAME. The human side, ‘the rous’ was coming to be as interwoven with LOGOS’. That is, the LOGOS became the Will in objective form and action. Here, we have total agreement of Verb of completion and the acts of perfection and in continuum.

This contextual flow of naturalism and the correlative word banks used to exemplify their natural contexts did commit the natural man (the uninterrupted a-moral pagan) to be driven to perfection with the god’s council on pagan (a-moral/natural) terms. How much more is this a notion to the God of the Universe in Christian verbiage?! One should see that these beautiful pagan word sources were undisturbed in their naturally used cultural flow. Furthered, these undisturbed rivers of meaning came to a completion and exemplification within our relationship between us Jesus Christ. This would indicate that the Pagan’s Saviour was Jesus in masks. I would make the argument that word exemplification met its apogee at the end of the second century A.D. when the early church thinkers dissolved and a politically charged ‘church’ took over, namely the post-nicene church (ca. 350 A.D. the christian thinkers lost their momentum due to Romanism infused ideas/Mariology/ worshipping of the saints, etc.{all of which I call true immoral paganism}).

It is within the diagrams of natural paganism (opposed to contrived immoral paganism) that I do find honesty within the movement or motion of the verbs of both Plato’s dialogues and the New Testament Text. The Anatomy of these verbs which carry the nominative signs like the plastikos (feathers, tassels, ornamentations attached to the clothing of the dancers to ‘show’ the movement of the deity) of the Elysian dances, does haunt me to the point where I am convicted by the Holy Spirit to feel God over my shoulder. One might think about this ‘kind’ of FAITH…..a substantial, tangible, non-blind FAITH (Bheidh); a FAITH that is a denial of the ‘blind faith’ that is concocted from this horrid Western Hemisphere of pseudo christian thought.

Furthered for all, this linguistic-math is found in the word for, “disciple”—“mathetikon”, or, “mathematician” of the WORDS of Christ. Such a mathetike fulfills their meaning in martyrdom or ‘maturity’ ..hence, ‘maturos’ in Greek.

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