Meshke – Enmerker, The Hero


One of the key lessons to be learned from the newly founded and transcribed petroglyphs of Ararat was the concept of “The Door”.

In Syunik or Old Armenian-Ararat petroglyphs preceding the ice-age, the Door has been understood to mean: “gateway, eye, fountain, well-spring, rushing water, gushing water, gushing entrance and exit for which all life giving essence comes from, God’s eye, the Sun, the Lion, and the Ram or Aries. Such a constellation as Aries carries a tremendous study of astral signs of portent by name of Messianic reference. Such Messianic portents did not start with the Biblical account alone. Nor, is the Biblical account a ‘copy’ of other religions making it ‘fraudulent’. The Bible accounts for signs or signals of ancient cultures looking for the same Messiah but in different types of “Bibles” such as the Stars and the Petroglyphs of Armenia. The encounter of the Neo Sumerian/ Babylonian Job who retained the Mazzaroth’s account to validate the ancient’s serious approach to the meaning of the Stars. Such serious accounts are found namely in the Star maps of Sumer called the Star Map of Esne, the Egyptian Dendorah Zodiac and the Mazzaroth by which the Hebrew scriptures refer to in Job 38: 32 wherein Job was more than likely a contemporary of the neo-Sumerians, Egyptians and Akkaddians. China, Tibet, India and the Middle East are strong sources as well for “Heavenly Bookkeeping”.


The Two Seeming “Counter-Roles”; two seeming “Counter-Doors”


One is the “Heroic” line. We might find a heroic typology with Nimrod and his EMPIRE. Nimrod (Enmerkar {Sumerian Ruler who constructed URUK –and attributed to a 420 year reign; found in the Ad-gi4 {Archaic Word List-cf. Miguel Civil’s brilliant work on this treatment} list; attributed as the first either of himself and/ or his assembly, to take a previous pictographic language and put it to Cuneiform}), Merodach, Narmer, Nebrod (The Greek name for Nimrod and also mentioned in the book of Jubilees) Amraphel (the King of Shinar and the one who warred with Abraham later in Genesis {Genesis 14:1-9 – confer to , “King-Priest-Prophet-Warrior” through this NIMROD of Genesis 11 who *said* what his god said. To control the masses, what better way than to have all offices wrapped up into ONE man!?!?

Acknowledgement of Amraphal’s Kingship of Shinar.

We can linguistically observe an explosion of languages (“Sephah” {Hebrew} – “lip, boundary, tongue, speech {relating to prior mentionings/ cf. to my fomcm.com }”) to have come from the Turkic, Armenian, Georgian and Steppe regions. We can follow these Ururtian/ Syunik linguistic roots into early Iceland, Greenland, and Early American Indian languages showing a direct genetic and linguistic link. 47 out of 50 of the primary-earliest American Indian Languages do indeed match that of the early Armeno-Turkic related languages that I just mentioned – (cf. my website, “”

This early Turkic-Proto Armenian (Syunik) based language would have been dispersed somewhere in the mountainous regions of Ururtu (Ararat), Nimrut Dagh and its surrounding Taurus (the Bull/ The Hero’s symbol) mountains. Also, Azerbaijani and Early Northwest Iran have shown an “EDENIC” relationship to the words hinted to us in the Biblical account of Eden (cf David Rohl’s, “Legend” book and “In Search of Eden” D.V.D./ youtube).

Again, the Sumerian language, called, “eme-sol” by the Sumerians, means, “perfect and pure speech”. This emesol was spoken on the plains of Shinar. As my good friend David Rohl says, “Shem-arian” IS Sumerian IS the people and IS the language…. – cf. to David Rohl’s account of Sumer and “SHEM” in his book, Legend. You might also listen to our interview on (click “Interviews”) and my podcast, WYRD HOARD, on the “addendums” section.

I am proud to have learned from Dr. Anna Meskhi from our several podcasts and multiple phone calls, emails, facetime and skype her thesis on the “lock and key code” relationship between Kartvelian and Sumerian. The very efforts to create such a Nationalistic language are proven through her work on Kartvelian and Sumerian “forgings” to attempt to create * A NEW SHEM*. Her thesis supports both the historical-linguistic and cultural account of the Biblical story.

I do see that from Nimrud Dagh or Nimrod’s Mountain as both a later superimposed tomb site upon which a much more ancient archeology can be found. The Turks do say that this IS the Mountain of Nimrod. Dr. Calvert Watkins, a leading Indo European linguist, wrote a diagram showing a linguistic border hem from which a diffusion of languages commenced seemingly instantaneously. The location of “the Mountain of Nimrod” or “Nimrud Dagh” shows a centrality to where the ‘linguo-historical’ border-hem contained a pure-’one lingua-franca’ – Proto Indo European Mother Language (P.I.E.) once existed. This ‘central P.I.E. language’ seems to be related to Proto Syunik (Earliest form of Armenian/ Ururtian language), and Kartvelian – where the famous account of Ezekiel’s Meshech and Tubal existed in Georgia (Russian Region).  Sumerian continues to prove that it has a cognate relationship with both Kartvelian languages and Old Armenian-Syunik-Araratian (Ururtian) languages which are basically one and the same.

The “SHEM” language means the authoritative language of commerce, law, unity, government, etc. The Genesis 11 event where the leader of this particular area did indeed order this STYLE, KIND, TYPE of language to be ordered under.

I am also reminded of the literal ‘false doors’ at Gobekli Tepe within their stylized Temples that are closed. This can mean an entrance to an undefined meta-world within the psychology of the observances the the Gobekli Tepe ancients. Nonetheless, to me, it is amazing that the “Door” is a symbolic passageway in the “potbelly hill (“Gobekli Tepe”)” of Orencik, Turkey.

I never really thought much about what a door was past the basic meaning of it’s everyday usage. It opens in order to allow in or out, it locks to protect those inside and keeps those who are not wanted to enter to stay out. Good enough. Makes sense.

The “door” is an *obstructor* and an “entrance point”. The “Door” is *that thing* which obstructs, hinders, keeps out, keeps in, lets out, lets in. The “Door” is a *guardian* for which *treasure* is kept, hoarded, safeguarded, etc.

We see in the Indo-Iranian myths of Zoroastrianism, the *ur-tram is the “resistance” or “hindrance” by which *life giving forces* are blocked. Winter was associated with the myths of death, chaos, blockage, halting of growth, halting of fructivity, stagnation, pent-up (frozen) waters, resistance, etc. So, anthropomorphising winter as a ‘dragon’ embodies “evil” as the “anti-hero” requiring a “hero” to unblock these pent-up life-giving forces. (give examples) Gog and Magog, i.e., his plain or land, must be in the Georgian region.

Gog was the Prince of “Rosh (today’s “Russia”). In Hebrew, Rosh means “head”, “top”, “Arch”, “Chief”. Gog was the Prince (Hebrew: “nesiy” – “prince”; “one who gives victory”; same root letters and meaning, *nsy/ nsr*, found in India, Iran, Sudan, etc…..) of Meshek and Tubal in his “Magog-ian” land.

Magog accompanied by his countrymen-Gog, who is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal


These are Kartvelian or Georgian peoples. The “Chief” or “rosh malek” IS Magog and IS the Archetype and Future Anti-God/ Anti-Christ.

Assyrian sources give us the Mushkebi or Muskebi. The Assyrian King, Tiglath-Pilesar I, says: “During my reign, 20,000 Musks and their five kings, who had never been defeated by any of the kings in the battlefield, came to Kummuxi and conquered it”.

“Musk” is a tribal name for the ancient Georgians. Hence, “Muski” means “of the Musks”.

The Megrul-Chan pronunciation of the Muskis is called, “Mos-xi”.

The Svan call them, “Mes-xi”.

The Kartvels (Georgians) call them, “Masxi”.

To this day, the Leks (North Caucasion people) call them “Mosoxs”


The “Tabali” is the other Georgian tribe first mentioned in the inscription of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser II who reigned from 860 to 825 B.C. The inscription reads as follows: “in the twenty-second year of my reign, I crossed the Euphrates for the 21st time and arrived in the land of Tabal, where I received presents from 24 Tabal kings”.

In Herodotus’, “Histories”, Book 3, chapter 94, Herodotus makes it clear that the Mosxs and Tibarenians were neighbours.

In my lecture on Metallurgy, Cain, and Yahweh, I show that Cain’s progeny goes back from Nod (Noqti) to the Northwest area of our modern Iran and then descending down the Steppes region to Eridu, the First City. Cain, Tubal Cain, Irad —hence, the city, “Eridu”, or “city of Irad {Jared}” which literally means, “The Descended Ones”.

Cf. page 385 Meshke…Karvelian Linguoculturology.

I find it interesting that different Endomyms support “THE STORY” for the people that a particular culture writes about.

“Georgia” means “agriculture” in Greek and where we might associate the ‘agriculturalists’ of old in this region from a European sense. But not so in the Biblical sense nor in the Armenian sense which had a ring side view when naming the “Georgians”. The Georgians called themselves the “Qalibi” which meant, “black smiths”. The origin of Qalibi goes back, for me, to a linguistic relation of “angel, snake cult, Cherub, Choraba, Gryphon, Seraph, “Na’os (place/ temple of the snake), etc. Nonetheless, this term, “Georgia” – “Qalibi”, is THAT of the smiths of Cain’s line. It was in the Steppe region, right in the Georgian plain, that Tubal Cain lived and descended with Jared (Irad) into Eridu. Metallurgy, Yahwism belief, swords and instruments, artisanship, artists and NOT Tribal leaders they were. In 2 Kings 24:15-16 we see the Bablyonians taking these very smiths into captivity FROM the Jews. We see them mentioned in making Solomon’s Temple in 1 Kings 7:45-47. These were the Kenites. They wore a cross on their forehead or had it burned into their forehead to distinguish them from any other tribesperson or clan member. Their journey ended in Canaan by which many scholars believe this is the name of Cain’s land that would be replaced by the Hope of Israel and the Messiah to come out of.

The Armenian root: “gogol”; “gog-” means “death”, “burial”, “ashen-white”, “bleached (as in old bones)”. This Proto Indo European/Kurgan word would have forced itself into the earliest of times and echoed itself into the Shemetic, “Golgotha (G L G from the shuresh or root, “K R G” – ‘guttural’ + ‘rotex’ +’guttural’)”. Such a Shemitic word can be found in meaning for “ The Place of the Skull” in the New Testament (cf. Mark 15:22).

It is of import to know that this Greek Koine word, “Kranion”, or “Kraniou topos” was historically testified to be the place outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. “Then they brought Jesus to the place of the skull”. Do we not see the ‘war between ‘the spirit of Gog and Magog as KURGAN’ against Christ?! Kranion is often translated as ‘skull’ in English, but more accurately means, “Cranium”, that is, **the part of the skull which “encloses the brain”!… The very meaning for “Kurgan” in Polovtsian and Kipchak (Kurgan languages) is “”qori” (guttural + rotex) for, “to enclose”, “encase”, “make a grave around”. The Greek, Kranion, is translated to the Latin as “Calvariae Locus” from which we get the name, “Calvary”. Again, Gutteral + Rotex = q + r = c + l = k + r.

( cf. Gog, Magog, Tubal and Meshech on pages 380-393 of Anna Meshki’s, Kartvelian Linguoculturology).

In Proto Indo European (P.I.E.), “Caucus” holds the root, “gog”, for its meaning. So, the collage’ meaning: ‘white; ashen; skull; Caucasion; “white people (as opposed to the “black headed people” which were historically referred to as the “Sumerians”, ancestor tomb dwellers, grave dwellers, etc. were part of those.

Putting this together, we find the meaning of the *white hordes of the *wheel, barrow, and horse* culture. The Kurgans’ name from the Polovtsian/ Kipchak language conveys: “fortress, embankment, high grave”. Also, Turkic etymological associations come into play with the KURGAN root, “qori” – meaning, “to close, to block, to erect, furnish or stir”.

Though, hard to find the Sanskrit, Vedic and Indo-Iranian etymological tie-in, the sociological meanings are nearly the same. For, a Dragon (a seeker), Scorpion (a liar) , Serpent (a subtle one), Shaman (a ‘seer’), etc. carry the same *function*, regardless if the older terms are pictographic, cuneiform, or Romanized/ Hellenized which can be hard to ‘weed’ through.

The sociological term for Kurgan can match that of the Indo-Iranian for “dragon” ,”Devil”, “Hoarder”, “Guardian”, “encloser”, “Border-maker”,“Demon”. All such terms mean those things which cause ‘stoppage’ of the flow of natural life giving forces and give way to the ‘forging’ in contrast to ‘poesis’ or ‘freely flowing’.

Imagery of Kurgans very well might be found in the 1980s film, “Highlander”. Though exaggerated and much license taken on many points in the film, I still say that to an early European witnessing a Rosh-Horde-Kurgan coming on horseback to conquer their land would have been quite disturbing. Images of Kurgans combing the hillside with skulls on their heads and their ancestors’ bones strapped to their tribal clothing would have represented demons from hell coming to battle you.

Once the Kurgans came over the Steppe Region into Eastern Europe, we immediately went from an agricultural culture to “kings and conquerors”. Dr. Marija Gimbutas did a wonderful treatment called, “The Living Goddess” and “The Language of the Goddess” where she shows that a good 30,000 years of fairly peaceful-agrarian life was lived within the Goddess-Eve-Agricultural Culture UNTIL the Kurgans arrived.

It seems that ENMERKAR is the one who is ‘hoped for’ in this continued Steppe Plain, mostly inhabited by the Mongols at present if one talks to scholars such as Dr. Anna Meskhi. Therefore, the “Spirit of AntiChrist”, or, “Gog”, would truly agree with Ezekiel’s Apocalyptic vision in Ezekiel 37 and into 38 concerning this Steppe Region within Georgia, between the Black and Caspian Sea. It is nearly horrifying to hear a HIGHLY educated Dr. of linguo-culturology tell me that THESE PEOPLE, MANY OF THEM, do look for a returning “HERO”, either as or in “THE SPIRIT” of ENMERKAR –a.k.a Nimrod. Again, the regions: Russia = Rosh, (Ezekiel’s) Tubal = Tblisi/(Ezekiel’s) Meshek =Meshke match where these hoards came down to the world from the Altai regions of Siberia/ Russia and **Descended** upon the world as it was known – i.e., The “EROTZ” in Hebrew, or, the “WHOLE EARTH”.


I will wait until the last to explain in detail a very historically-linguistic and sociologically connected message of Salvation by which “The Second Door” is presented through the petroglyphs of Armenia. I believe that “even the stones of the ancient Syunik culture (ancient Armenian/Ururtian/Araratian Petroglyphs) cried out JESUS’ NAME (authority) as we have hinted to us in the Gospel of Luke.

Luke 19:40: Jesus replied to the Pharisees, “I tell you,….if they keep quiet (that is, the believers of Jesus as God kept quiet by the Pharisees) those saying, *Hosanna* (fulfillment of Jesus’ coming into Jerusalem as God), the stones will cry out”.

Finally, for my preface, these petroglyphs that our blessed Noah witnessed might very well be by the hand of Noah. These writings very well might explain the story of our entire existence. The depth of meaning by which we will *enter* might give you a new respect for the PROPHET Noah who believed and did what God told him. These petroglyphs might give us the door, key, and entrance into WHY and HOW we think.

The message of the Messianic Hope is about THE “door” for which Armenia has carried through Noah’s line and could very well be the CENTRAL SOURCE of all Hamitic, Shemitic, Japhetic, and Asiatic languages. If this can be proven, then, meaning itself, from God to man, would have had its entire beginnings at the Mountains of Ararat.

John 10:9- Jesus says, “I am the DOOR (Greek: “Thura”/ Strongs 2374) by which anyone who walks through me will be saved—-”. This is the Messianic line. The Messianic door.

The Modern Shepherd

Phillip Keller, a literal Shepherd, wrote, “A Shepherd looks at the 23rd Psalm”. In his treatment on being a literal Shepherd in reference to Psalms 23, Phillip discusses in detail the job of the Shepherd *as the Door*.

Phillip defines the Shepherd as the protector. He is the *WAY* for the sheep to enter into ‘legal (Nomos – {root}) food (trophay) for grazing’ or the Greek – *nomimi trofi gia fagito*. The Gate of Grace is the ‘way’ into the protecting place, the “housing” for lawful action, peace, comfort, protection, food, drink, etc.

The clencher for me in this book was when Phillip Keller explained in his book that The True Shepherd (Christ/ Hermes-Kriophoros)would take a wayward sheep (one who would lead other sheep astray), break its leg, and carry the afflicted (cf. Kolosin – afflicted to become restored) sheep on HIS shoulders. The Reason: The Sheep, who’s leg was broken by the Shepherd, once healed, NEVER LEFT THE SHEPHERD’S SIDE AGAIN (cf. “Hermes” or “Kriophoros” – The Greek mythological Shepherd who was always seen carrying a Ram or Sheep on His back. He was “THE LORD OF THE SHEEP; THE LORD OF THE SHEPHERDS”).

True Value

The TRUE SHEPHERD is worthy to be called this because HE shows his worth to the value by which a SHEPHERD is defined. That is, HE lays HIS life down for HIS sheep. A Mercedes Benz shows its TRUE VALUE by being demolished in a wreck yet saving the passengers that were in the car. THIS is the TRUEST VALUE of the car.


Metaphorically-Poetically-Literally, THE SHEPHERD is the DOOR into Heaven.

Psalms 23:1-6 –

“The Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures

He leads me beside quiet waters.

He restores my soul;

He guides me in the paths of righteousness

for the sake of His name

Even though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil,

for You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they

comfort me.

You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD


I typed in bold face print a few points that I would like to make.

a) “The Lord is my Shepherd”. Well, there you go. Metaphorical, Eternal-Literal, Poetical and Spiritual.

b) “He makes me lie down in green pastures”. Where are these “green pastures”? They are *in the Gate of legal food for grazing, i.e., the “NOMOS”=”The Legal Boundary of acting within the NAME or AUTHORITY of the SHEPHERD-GOD.

c) “He guides me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of HIS NAME (SHEM – “AUTHORITY”; “LAW”; “Legal boundary”; “legal speech”)”. What does this mean? Well, it means that you are being guided to righteousness not for YOUR sake (as YOU are known for your sin and incompleteness) by HIS AUTHORITY that WILL make you be glorified in HIM.

d) “Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me”. HIS tools are both for our correction and protection FROM evil…or, if you will, the SIN that would ‘beset you’ to err. I love the etymological sense for “sin” in the Latin here. “Senex” or “Senile” is naming a condition by which the person with ‘senility’ “walks off the path” or “derivates” from the norm. We see this in physics for “Sine”. That is, even though our “sinusoid” or “sine wave” show exactitude in our ‘oscillations from a straight line’ we always have reference to that which is straight by how far and frequently we ‘sin from the line’. Just a little playing with words.

e) “I will dwell in the House of the LORD forever”. The HOUSE of the LORD is the study I did concerning “Doom, Domicile and Dominion”. These are words to signal us to “a place of righteous judgement within which we are “right-a-fied” or “rectified”. The HOUSE of the LORD is here and now WHEN we are corrected and straightened from our “SINE”. A straight and narrow barrier from which no shadow of turn is made.

I find it fascinating the myth of Hermes, THE SHEPHERD. In the classical Greek myths, Hermes’ name is KRIOPHOROS —“ram (Greek: Krio)” + ”bring (Greek: Phoros–’to bear’; ‘to carry’)”. THIS IS THE NAME or ‘nomos’ for “CHRIST”! Hermes, or Kriophoros, led his sheep to water. He was the LORD of the SHEEP. HE was the LORD of the SHEPHERDS. His image was that of a Shepherd who carried a RAM on HIS back. Kriophoros is a Bucolic or Pastoral symbol versus a “hunter-gatherer” iconic symbol. This meant peace.

But, is this Shepherd answerable to the world’s question for what our earliest ancestors knew? Saw? Experienced? Or, was “The Shepherd ”, as a GOD, just a Middle Eastern conventional mythos based on natural surroundings? That is, due to observable surrounding phenomena, did the Bedouin simply create a fable of ‘the ultimate hero’? A hero that they could relate to?

–Maybe both.


Before Assyria (beginning ca 2nd millennium B.C..), Akkadia (ca.2,500 – 600 B.C.), Sumer (ca. 4,500 – 1,900 B.C.), Shanidar ( ca 33,000 B.C. Neanderthal culture –but in 10,000 B.C. for sentient Neolithic culture {Natufian} which displayed orderly placement of their ancestors’ and parents’ cemeteries ), Portasar ( Gobekli Tepe: ca. 10,000 B.C.-highly structured temple sites; deeply religious/ astrological observant culture) developed cultures

NOW! — This is the end of part 1 of “The Door”.

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