*I owe you/ you owe me*DEBT AND REPAYMENT* Tit for Tat —- this system of thinking and acting is based in legalism. Legalism is what you find in any religious or secular system that demands ‘justice’ for an infraction that was done to you. The problem of *debt and repayment* leads us to a few things, but namely this question: what ‘agreement’ in the ‘justice’ of humankind requires violations against their brother or sister (rioting, vandalism, murder, theft, rape) ?! –Well, doesn’t that requirement (anarchy) require a requirement (retributive anarchy answering to your anarchy)? ///// These are the DAYS where we are pushed to see the value of the CHRIST figure in Jesus. If He was God, is God, in a humble human despised sense while on earth, having been murdered for the sake of all the injustice of the world….and did NOT act back in retribution or retaliation,…but….BUT….FORGAVE ALL!!! … Who should we apologize to?! Should we at all apologize to man or GOD?! By what net worth do we hold to even have the bank to apologize?!! — or, are we in too much debt in ALL OF OUR INFRACTIONS/SINS? … In the narration, the story, the Gospel, ..Jesus, while dying on the cross for us, said to His Father, “Father, forgive ALL of them, for THEY know not what they do”. Luke 23:34. Jesus was referring to the rapacious Roman soldiers and the Pharasees. He didn’t require debt and repayment–i.e., RETRIBUTION… seriously, ready?—***an apology*** He gave forgiveness FREELY. THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD DO! –***FORGIVE*** STOP USING DEBT AND REPAYMENT TERMINOLOGY!!! Legalism leads to the ignorant war machine. Both kill.
Whether or not you believe that the Gospels accounted for Christ in Human form or not…the eternal TRUTH remains in what is RIGHT IN YOUR FACE… Grace or Retribution? — We will continue, eternally, in one or the other

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Here’s my attempted “Intentful”  mindset:   To me: Be careful not to live by or be identified by a *narrative* of the past-whether or not

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