“The Johannine writings of Revelation exemplify a genius literary mechanism called ‘parataxis’. Parataxis omits subordination of conjunctions therefore allowing equal themes to be threaded together into a potential meshwork of Genius, namely found in Revelation. John was given a Greek culture by which ideas were conveyed. The Greek language by and large were single-surgical-sentiments developed up to the fullness of the age by which John lived. The strength of the atomic Greek was conjoined by the Hebrew mind of John, in other words – “pictographic”. Having both rules of Indo European and Semeticisms intereplayed, Parataxis allowed John to convey a “Tree” of apacalyptic writing. Branch laid on top of branch; root to stem – branches, etc. Finally, we conclude that Apocalyptic writing is not *just* futurative but ‘collective’. The ‘collective’ Scripture of John’s Apacalypse brings connectivity, coherency, contiguity, and teleology to a seamless Theology”.
Day: July 9, 2022
Tolkien Ideas of ‘Faith’ Through the Fantastic
“Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Great Fantasy writings demand our ‘belief’ in the world of Fantasy, hence, they demand a *suspension of disbelief of the Fantasy Writing*. The effect by which this subcreator-writer conveys can ONLY happen by this *kind* of faith. Likened to this, “Faith” in the Biblical God and the inerrancy of the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures demands that we halt disbelief, and in this *suspension of disbelief of the Bible* we *see* the Kingdom by which IT stands. We can clearly see the beautiful Horror that Jesus Truly is God. Hence, this is what arrests the mind, body, soul…..the horror that ‘all must be lost save that of THIS KINGDOM and ALL who would inhabit this most glorious Kingdom shall be saved”. There is HOPE for ALL!!! “