The Teleology of Universalistic Predeterminism Part 1
“Apocalyptic Literature is not all about the future- but, rather, it is a type of poetry to express God’s Universal Plan in a collective of
“Apocalyptic Literature is not all about the future- but, rather, it is a type of poetry to express God’s Universal Plan in a collective of
“In this lecture we cover the souls that exist in, around and at the Great Throne of God AFTER the Second Judgement-i.e., the Final Judgement,
The “DAY” can mean several things to many people in different cultures. “Daeg” is the term for day in Anglo Saxon. Daeg can refer to
Celtic/Brythonic studies of THE HOPE of a Heathen’s Messiah to come. Such an Albion or ancient British Isles did look for a type of Messiah prior to