A look into the “filtering’’ system of *academics today that lead, by uncontrolled design, a limitation which does not allow for ‘conclusions’ of a quantum nature within Theology or higher metatphysics.
A look into the “filtering’’ system of *academics today that lead, by uncontrolled design, a limitation which does not allow for ‘conclusions’ of a quantum nature within Theology or higher metatphysics.
In this ‘end cap’ lecture I talk about *line versus circle* ideology/ theology. The pagan’s hope is in the attempt, through false hope, of obtaining
“In this short piece I cover the Sumerian etymologies of the Anzu Bird and its associations with the early world of Cain. 0:00 0:00 skip_previous
The intricacies of God’s words are lost in the blunt English versions of the Bible. The English versions not only keep us in darkness from
The Dragon {part 2}. A Biblical perspective. (dry reading from Strong’s and McClintock’s – but, lots of information with some interpolation of my studies). 0:00