To ‘empathize’ and/or form an ‘alliance’ with the ‘other’ gender, especially if you’re a 12 year old, is indicative of the poison already set in by the trending leaders.

“Sexual preference” is objectification-identification. It is not a subjective desire for meaning. This is an “us and them” partition.  

“Alliance” with objective sexualities, genders, ——is the MOST dangerous practice because it denies objective truth. Gender/ Sex preference alliance supervenes logic, reason, ‘truth’.  What do I mean? When you talk to a person, and really want to know them, want to even use them to get to understanding about them, the world, life, etc.,… you don’t look at them as an objective sexual preference but, rather, you look for their ‘flow of reason’, ‘flow of meaning’.

“LGBTQ ALLIANCE” assumes a stance without reason if you (1) haven’t been any or all of these ‘categories’ (2) assumes that anything else *is* an objective obstruction from their alliance. (3) an objective ‘stance’ assumes that you stand with ‘rightness’ and it is fixed (4) such a ‘fixed’ nature prejudges the ‘others’ as ‘them’.

The new-pagan-cancel-culture- enforces their “Puritan” ideas, as Ben Shapiro says (not always in his camp), that *nothing other than those things which cancel out historical Family ideals which do not accept pornography and sexual license are accepted. Mock sex acts on stage with profane lyrics on the stage at the Grammys is the new Puritanism.  Licentiousness is the new Puritanism and hypocritically cancels, pre-judges, aborts anything but its own world view (feel free to watch the ‘highlights’ of the Grammys of 2021 and discern for yourself).

Again, the danger: the ‘blind faith’ of ‘alliance of a movement of objectification of gender (and of race) creates division.

Jesus NEVER objectified the sexual nature, preference, disposition, prejudices, differences of ‘self based fixed world myopic world views’. Jesus ‘subjective’ ALL under HIS grace.

We are coming to be into the likeness of Christ. The hardest part, as a believer, is to not ‘react’ to God’s Will (let alone our error) in ordaining these fleshly ‘dilemmas’ when HIS Grace is the ONLY THING that is proven right through all of this societal cacophony.

“Cancel Culture” is a new thing to me, yet, an old thing. To eliminate history is to eliminate the foundations of reason.  History has direction. History goes forth on paths *from* some fixed point in time. To eliminate these paths is to eliminate ‘truth’.

“Truth” means, ‘root, stem and branches’. To eliminate the linked system of history is to eliminate all of suffering, suffering unto death, suffering unto *REASON*.

It is a ‘trending’ thing now, as witnessing my own children who were raised in a gracious and loving home, to assimilate such judgemental and hateful positions.

My wife and I have never taught anything but unmerited love and universal salvation through Christ who showed us all that we must suffer many things to save our brothers and sisters.

Finally, just getting off the phone with one of my best friends (while typing via inspiration of our conversation/ multitasking-psycho-me), Matthew told me that after 6 years I should take a flight from Florida to Nashville. I said, great….nonetheless, it is enough that we are given the gift to share reason, humility through grace, meaning, linguistics, theology, societal issues, teaching at colleges issues, etc. Face to face is great, but what is greater (as C.S. Lewis said) is ‘cheek to cheek’ and side by side going on the same path, in the same direction, to the bullseye.  To “cancel” our confirmed experiences over our long history of friendship would be equivalent to ‘cancel’ culture, past bigotries, past false judgements, past angers, past arguments, past error….ALL of which, being on the path of Reason, has led us to being best friends. I thank ‘history’ in all of its trauma/ drama that purged me. I’ll never forget and I’ll never let my progeny forget my history and I’ll never let ‘meaning’ be forgotten.

Technically, Plato would deem “cancel culture” *diabolical*. ——Such a statement would be without ‘moral’ significance. I say, because Reason and Order are fought for, anything that tries to destroy that is immorally Satanic/ Diabolical. Reason IS morality, technically

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