Genesis 11:2-“Let us make us an unbreakable synthetic language” Part 2

Genesis 11:1: “The whole earth had (yahiy: had; become; be; becoming) one ‘language’—and there were very few WORDS (Dabhar)1 in those days”.


In the Hebrew of Genesis 11:1 we have: “Kal (entire) Ha (the)  Erotz (earth) Shephah (speak/spoke) Echad (one) va (and) DABARIYM (**stone of order/ law/ justice/ prophecy/ petroglyph/ Judgment/ the stone by which the Hag (pronounced: “hog”) was to be danced around) echadim (few)”. 

 This means that the ENTIRE (Kal) Earth (Erotz) spoke ONE ‘lingua franca’ and had ONE reference point to *meaning* from henceforth came from these stones of order or petroglyphs. 


As I have said numerous times before, the term, “earth”, meant “land plot”. The (Hebrew: “Kal Erotz”)  Whole Earth” was a conceptualized-cultural word to reference: “All we can see, All we can know, All that is habitable for us to cultivate upon, procreate upon, live and die upon”.

Therefore, regardless of the term, “earth” or “whole earth”, we have the early Hebrew mind conveying a “limited term” or “terms of limitation of spatiality”. That is, the Hebrew mind always used reference points to define. 

The key focus here are “boundary lines”.  Even the Hebrew word, “Olam” which meant, “eternity” or “heaven”, was a ‘limited term’ to mean, “up to the line for which is out of our sights”. Again, the ‘earth’ was a boundary line from which ‘other earth’ could be defined. 


Dr. Hamlet Martirosyan seems to make clear that all homonymic order would have come from the Armenian/ Syunik culture which gave us these stones of homonymic binding. 

Such First Words were based on the original “ collage’ Syunik “ word, “Areg”.

From numerous decoding principles found in Verner, Bopp, Grimm’s laws, to our highest in genetic-linguistic morphology, we have Areg to mean: “God, Lion, Deity, Bright, Light, Sun, Wheel, Eye, Aries, Ram/ Goat, Ram/Goat of sacrifice, etc. 


Such petroglyphs would have bound all of humankind in that particular Caucasus / Steppe region to a ONE IDEA, ONE WORD, ONE SENSE, ONE SIGN, ONE REFERENCE POINT from which all Indo European (including early Eden-i.e., Meidan Valley/ Adji Chay) etymologies, meaning, reference flowed.

The cultural “WELLSPRING” of meaning for early Proto-Indo-European culture was  set in stone in the early homonymic writings of these Armenian Syunik petroglyphs of the Mountain ranges found in Armenia, dating on average to ca. 35,000 B.C. 


What *evil* did the founders of the ziggurats of Babel do? Was Nimrod the key instigator? Wait for part 3 to enter a world of research unending on this very topic which affects us today. 

(Dabhar is somewhat equal to the Greek, “LOGOS”).  1

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