Consistency of Motion – Part 1

Many profess we’re in a “postmodern” or “post-truth” era. Simply put, this would mean that we are a culture without regard to ‘belief’ in facts, only ‘results’.

Sounds a little complicated? The second I said, “belief”, did I err? I did not, technically. Technically, ‘belief’ has never been “blind”. “Bheidh” is the Proto Indo European root for “belief”. “Bheidh” always meant ‘a nest from which something is launched from’ or ‘a maxim’ to refer to. “Faith” has been perverted by false moralists. “Faith” became a ‘blind thing’. “Faith” became an implemented word for those ministers who would abuse their sheep. Never before have we seen this word, “Faith”, be so abused, yet, greed, power, herding of the masses, etc. by ministers has allowed it to be so mistranslated. Such a bankless meaning holds bankless doctrines. Such an abuse of power necessitates ‘shadow words’, ‘shadow logic’, ‘shadow theologies’.

The ‘flow’ of poetry, archery, meaning, music, etc. is called “rous” in the Classical Greek. We see ‘rous’ mentioned in Plato’s Cratylus as in the archer’s alignment with pure mathematics as we have and will state in this book. That is, the human’s ‘climb’ to the point of perfect reference or the god’s council, a.k.a., ‘The Will (boule)’.

The ‘Boule’ was what was NOT interrupted, whether in the action of an athlete or the verbal usage found in a Logical Dialogue. Hence, “LOGOS”, was Jesus’ other referential NAME. The human side, ‘the rous’ was coming to be as interwoven with LOGOS’.

This contextual flow of naturalism and the correlative word banks used to exemplify their natural contexts did commit the natural man (the uninterrupted a-moral pagan) to be driven to perfection with the god’s council on pagan (a-moral/natural) terms. How much more is this a notion to the God of the Universe in Christian verbiage?! One should see that these beautiful pagan word sources were undisturbed in their naturally used cultural flow. Furthered, these undisturbed rivers of meaning came to a completion and exemplification within our relationship between us Jesus Christ. This would indicate that the Pagan’s Saviour was Jesus in masks. I would make the argument that word exemplification met its apogee at the end of the second century A.D. when the early church thinkers dissolved and a politically charged ‘church’ took over, namely the post-nicene church (ca. 350 A.D. the christian thinkers lost their momentum due to Romanism infused ideas/Mariology/ worshipping of the saints, etc.{all of which I call true immoral paganism}).

It is within the diagrams of natural paganism (opposed to contrived immoral paganism) that I do find honesty within the movement or motion of the verbs of both Plato’s dialogues and the New Testament Text. The Anatomy of these verbs which carry the nominative signs like the plastikos (feathers, tassels, ornamentations attached to the clothing of the dancers to ‘show’ the movement of the deity) of the Elysian dances, does haunt me to the point where I am convicted by the Holy Spirit to feel God over my shoulder. One might think about this ‘kind’ of FAITH…..a substantial, tangible, non-blind FAITH (Bheidh); a FAITH that is a denial of the ‘blind faith’ that is concocted from this horrid Western Hemisphere of pseudo christian thought.

Furthered for all, this linguistic-math is found in the word for, “disciple”—“mathetikon”, or, “mathematician” of the WORDS of Christ. Such a mathetike fulfills their meaning in martyrdom or ‘maturity’ ..hence, ‘maturos’ in Greek.



Modern Christian-apathy (Greek: “a- (alpha privative {negative particle prefix}”=“not” + “pathos” = ‘‘suffering’’= *no-suffering*, indifference) is what I counter with a commitment to the Words of the Bible. Once you establish the core Hebrew and/or Greek understanding of the original text (Textus Receptus/ Antiochus Text), there is no room for argument. This worldview can only occur if you approach the original Hebrew and Greek Testaments as divinely inspired.

If this seems extremely dogmatic, I accept your charges. The reason being: the words of the original text are committed to the Narrative, the Historicity, the Morphology or coming to be of the fixed usage of the word within the coherent stream or flow of meaning.

The ‘shadow play’ of false ministers creates a false consistent motion via liturgies and social events. These ‘christian-social-necessities (as promoted by the ministers) either directly or indirectly creates the snakes and ladders term, *non-meaning*.

If that which is theologically correct is thrown out for a ‘replacement theology’, then, what ‘kind’ of replacement theology would ‘damnably’ fall in place? Notice I didn’t say, “naturally”? It is a natural thing to act on our God given senses, appeals, inclinations, etc. These instincts are not sin until we replace God’s higher order of conduct. That is to say, to confuse the natural senses with the metaphysical is technically a sin, let alone, a moral one. Such a ‘naturalist religion’ would appeal to the emotions, senses, natural man, etc. In this approach to a new theology, we would be double visioned. We would lack the discernment to say, ‘this is our good sense and this is our instruction’. These two do not compete anymore than a steering wheel and an engine but must be distinguished from one another. Healthily, you would have two good, “single visions” vs. “double vision” – which is what Adam and Eve received. It was called, “wit” or “witchcraft” ( all such ancient and later European and Mediterranean cognates such as: vitea; videre; witch; wit; video; ‘eido; etc. do relate to the word for “seeing” or “to see” as a warlock, witch, god, demon).



There’s a job for the witch minister when the false doctrine of non suffering is preached. Examples: “God would not bring destruction”; “you have the free will to not choose God”; “you must ‘confess God in water Baptism’ – especially associated with that specific church and the promulgation to continue in the physical church because of such ‘salvational acts’. This is monetary based.

These ‘liturgies’ and ‘social-christian-contracts’ are fatiguing, emotionally based on many levels, cultic, divisional, limited, etc. I have developed a sense of the repugnant when I experience most of ‘contract christianity’. This is a term that Richard Rohr created. I disagree with many of his points but he’s smack on here.



“Non-meaning”, is a man-made pothole which uses altruisms and functions for parasitic convention. Such conventions support the commercial/economic, mass-number-gathering, “collective” order, efficiency of shearing the wool off the sheep. I despise ‘efficiency herding’. I despise patronizing golf playing ministers who do not know their Bible who make me feel like I’m in a country club as much as I’m in the House of God.

These ministers and their replacement theologies create ‘shadow christianities. These uneducated, slovenly, rich ‘ministers’, relatively extravagant lifestyles, etc. do create the illogical by fear.

Let me explain: you would never need to create the illogical if the ‘logical’ made you money and gave you power. Such a replacement religion is called, “philogria (the love of money)”. By Jesus’ words, “Philogria (the love of money) is the root of all evil”.



I make no bends on this, If God’s Name is a VERB from the earliest of references to GOD, the VERB (EYEH, YAH, JAH, ILLAH, EL, Yahveh, Elohim, EA,) and we are the beings acted upon as though we are the dead NOUN, then this would answer to how witch-ministers have reversed this role. This reversal of roles IS the definitive meaning for, “idol worship’’. That is to say, ‘if God can be pushed away or received by our VERBAL force, then, the “God of the Western church” is a lesser GOD than the Biblical GOD Who is the Verb that causes ALL things to happen. This also makes us God, in the grammatical sense, i.e., the Causative Force. This IS the doctrine of the witch minister: you are a god.

It is funny to me to see all of the resulting contradictions in this view: At best, within ‘Christian paganism’, God is a Genie or Djinn that grants us what we desire, want, entreat for. Is this not religion based on our egoistic wants? I have said what I need to for now. Thoroughly disgusted, elated and content.

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